Lake George Information

Know more about Lake George

This section will give you Lake George information that the others don't. Interactive maps, the year-long weather, directions, pictures, coupons, general information on the village, etc.

If you haven't done so already, I suggest you have a look at the accommodations, attractions and restaurants in Lake George.

Where is Lake George

The village Lake George is located in the state of New York, about 2.5 hours south of Montreal and 4 hours north of New York city a few minutes from the i87, which makes it a perfect weekend getaway.

Right in the middle of the Adirondacks, it's a place for nature lovers. The village of Lake George is sitting at the foot of the Adirondacks, right by one of the biggest and greatest lake in the USA.

Region of Lake George></a>
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Lake George Maps

We have created a comprehensive list of interactive maps of Lake George for you to be able to easily find things around the city.

Maps of Lake George Attractions (small)
Map of all attractions & activities
Maps of Lake George Hotels (small)
Map of available lodging
Maps of Lake George Restaurants (small)
Map of restaurants

Lake George Weather

The weather in Lake George is great from the end of May to September, July being the warmest month. My favorite time to go to Lake George is at the end of May and at the end of August / beginning of September; very comfortable weather, not too hot, not too cold.

It might not be the best weather for camping though... For that, I would suggest June, July and August (the end of August can get colder, depending on the years...).

Lake George Coupons

We are listing the coupons available for your Lake George vacations. Save a little!

Lake George Pictures

With so many great view, pristine waters and mountains all around, Lake George is a paradise for photography enthusiats.

More resources

Local Resources

Regional Resources

For those spending more time around the Adirondacks and upstate New York, here are more resources for you.

* All maps are copyright of Google